Sunday, September 18, 2022

SCP 21-77-12 Intro

  + Very little is known about SCP 21-77-12, aside from the fact that all entities catalogued in the 21-series are designated as having escaped containment.  This specimen is known to be lightning quick with a potential for being instantly lethal.  Approach with extreme caution or better yet avoid this creature at all cost.  If glimpsed, report to your nearest SCP facility immediately. There is a Level Ordinance 1.0 alert for this elusive being. Any photos or evidence of its presence are highly sought after by the authorities. 

    Some rogue SCP investigators believe this specimen to be a remote operated "doldroid" drone, a sort of assassin doll, rendering it essentially a highly sophisticated weapon and possibly spy camera and recording device.  In my limited experience with these phenomena, while I wouldn't end up surprised should this remote theory be true, I've noted enough peculiarities in the overall development of the ongoing technological singularity to be able to suspend my disbelief to just as easily allow for a daunting and more terrifying possibility:  that SCP 21-77-12 remains, if not alive exactly, at least an autonomous creation that may have broken free of its programming and thus liberated itself into the shadowy realm of the underworld and left to its own devices. Too little evidence yet exists for anyone to really know, as of yet.  

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