Saturday, September 24, 2022

SCP 21-77-13 Last Seen


SCP 21-77-13's last online coordinates indicate that it had checked into a remote motel in upstate NY at the foot of the Adirondacks, a mountain range known in the area as 'Eater of Trees'(allegedly for its harsh suppression of fruitful outcrops, resulting in nothing to eat on the menu except leaves and bark). Investigators are pinging these coordinates to double-check their veracity on the off chance they've been planted as a red herring. Next to nothing about this anomalous being is known with the exception of this photo, recently enlarged in a crime scene laboratory. 

 {From the 'Leftover Files' section compiled from various agency's remaining clutter after losing their business...these sorts of files are commonly ransacked by an odd assortment of individuals and competing agencies... they can turn up anywhere and more often than not lead to dead or spurious ends...yet all threads must be followed to be led to the few gold mines hidden around the bend}   


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